It’s that time of year … time to reflect, repent, forgive, and those I may have wronged

In these days before the High Holy Days, I ask your forgiveness and understanding and I pray that the coming year is one of peace, prosperity, health, and joy.

As I look back at 5775 (2015) and the past year, 5776, I am humbled by the kindness and generosity of strangers and friends – near and far – throughout the ordeals now known as the Memorial Day and Tax Day Floods (Houston). I am grateful that my mother is healthy. back in her home, teaching, traveling, and doing all the things than make her happy. B”H

I count my family (yes, that includes Sulu & Uhura 😉 ), friends, colleagues, and clients among my blessings. May you all be blessed.

G’mar chatima tova.

Omayn, v’omayn.