Now that the news has hit that Jones Day will be laying off staffers due to, as their spokesperson has said, “(The) universal adoption of smart phones, voice mail and email enables (and requires) lawyers to be more self-sufficient,” allow me to provide you with the opportunity to take that logic a step further – hire virtual paralegals to fill the gap.
Virtual paralegals saw this change coming several years ago. As a creditors’ rights specialist, I saw exactly what was about to happen to the economy, however, I did not anticipate the negative impact it would have on law firms. I took the leap and left the relatively safe haven of my law firm job and decided to go virtual.
Your spokesperson is absolutely correct, technology has made it possible for attorneys to be more self-sufficient. But face it, attorneys are still more efficient when supported by talented, credentialed, professional paralegals.
Well, here we are. Certified, bona-fide paralegals working from our homes and laptops and still producing exemplary work for a fraction of the cost of a full time staff member. Think about it … look us up.
If you want a top notch Creditors’ Rights / Commercial Transactions paralegal, contact me, Pamela Starr of StarrParalegals, LLC ( If you need an expert in another area of law, let me know … I have connections.
This is a great solution across fields Pamela. We need to investing our wealth in human beings. There is so much wealth in this world. Feel it, say it, think it and share. If each of us does what we are good at, and pays others to do what they are good at we will increase our wealth times 4: Emotionally, socially, perceptually and materially.
Thank you Pamela for your great leadership in adding to the global shift.
Mary Margaret
[…] article “The Importance of Family Play“ and Pamela Starr’s blog post, “Paralegal Paradigm Shift – An Open Letter to Jones Day (and ‘big law’) re: Downsizing | Sessio… . Thank you both for your leadership in creating the change the world is waiting to see. […]
Hello Pamela,
Congratulations on your new site! I love its logo and tag line!
You are venturing off the beaten track Pamela, this is so innovative and brave from you.
All growth is a leap in the dark and being brilliantly creative, you’ll leave your own trail
and demonstrate that your resources, leadership and expertise can bring about real and lasting benefits into the world of law.
To your continued fabulous success,