On October 21, I attended the MyLegal.com Case for Social Media Conference in DC and, of the many wonderful speakers, the message that resonated most with me as a small business owner was provided by Larry Bodine in his discussion about using LinkedIn for business development.
We find ourselves in a world that embraces social media and the subsequent instant connections to hundreds, if not thousands, of people we do not really know in an effort to build our businesses and grow our networks. There was a time – no, really, there was – when building your network met meeting people face-to-face rather than receiving an invitation through a social or business networking site.
Larry emphasized that “there is no substitution for meeting people in real life” and “all business comes in through in-person relationships.” But, wait, he is supposed to be singing the praises of LinkedIn and social media …
According to Mr. Bodine, the purpose of using LinkedIn is to generate leads – to find people that you will actually meet in real life and to generate new business. As a virtual paralegal, this fits right into my marketing plan. Look at these numbers provided in his presentation:
- 2.25 million lawyers have LinkedIn profiles (HubbardOne)
- 50% of in-‐house counsel use LinkedIn (Greentarget)
- Every AmLaw 200 law firm has a company profile on LinkedIn
- There are 4,000 LinkedIn groups with “Law” in the title
So, what should you do to maximize your presence on LinkedIn and start generating business?
- Create a powerful, informative profile
- Seek compelling recommendations from those with knowledge of your work and value; suggest content – including your key words
- Join local groups as well as those in your practice area
- Participate, start and engage in discussions
- Extend connections locally via introductions
- Start a group – I did (StarrParalegals: Virtual Paralegals Specializing in Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights)
Above all, remember LinkedIn is a path to meeting in real life– interact online, but make a point to meet in person.
Okay, back to building my empire…
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daphne Drescher, Pamela Starr. Pamela Starr said: Using LinkedIn to Market Your Services to Attorneys & Law Firms http://fb.me/LnfZjWsn […]