Jones Day, in its continuing and infinite wisdom, has once again proven just how little respect it has for the cogs in the machine. As you recall, in June, the Firm decided to let an unspecified number of legal staff go because their jobs could be done by the attorneys using ‘voice mail, e-mail, iPhones and other electronic devices.’

As a former BigLaw employee, that news made me cringe. Now the ABA Journal and Above the Law are reporting that a new insult has been levied against the very people that make the attorneys look good. Both sources cite an internal memo from administrative partner Hugh Whiting in which he thanks the staff for all their efforts on behalf of the Firm, announces that year-end bonuses will not be made to staff in December this year and that the program is being discontinued.

Additionally he writes, “As is the case with our lawyers, we think the firm is best-served when compensation for all employees is based on performance and contributions to the firm.”

Really?? All employees?!? Performance and contributions?!? It is STAFF that sits under the mushroom and has to shovel through the muck delivered by the associates  and partners on a daily basis, all while smiling and nodding … thank you Sir, may I have another? Paralegals and support staff have assumed the proverbial position for too long.

Thank you, BigLaw for reminding me that I have more value than you can ever imagine.  I will never regret my decision to go virtual and leave the machine. My clients treat me with a respect that was never shown to me while I was a part of the Firm. You too will learn the lesson one day.

(Disclaimer: the author has NEVER been employed by Jones Day)