Okay, it was really just 20 minutes – a professional photo shoot of me, working at my desk as Paralegal Extraordinaire of StarrParalegals.
<cue flash back sequence> (where are the cool squiggly lines when you need them??)
In September, the Daily Report , in cooperation with the Georgia Association of Paralegals, conducted its ‘2011 Paralegal and Support Staff Working Conditions and Compensation’ survey for the State of Georgia. Of course, I submitted my responses and comments (Danger Will Robinson, Danger … open comment boxes are better than candy stores!).
Several weeks later, a reporter from the Daily Report called to ask me some follow-up questions – it seems I am a rare breed here in metro Atlanta, an outspoken, virtual paralegal. The reporter was intrigued by the concept of ‘virtual paralegal’, so I explained my business model and told him about some of my clients. We discussed the good, bad, and the ugly of my new career – why I went solo, the challenges, my accomplishments, etc. He even asked if I would ever go back to work in a ‘real’ law firm. My response (which may or may not appear in the article) was, “There is not enough money on this planet to get me back into a law firm.”
<cue back to to present day>
On 11/16, a photographer from the Daily Report called to make an appointment to shoot me ‘in action’ for the upcoming article. Of course I said yes and I posted my exciting news on Facebook. Gotta love FB; as of midnight 11/17, I had 42 likes, and the following comments:
(Click image to enlarge)
* Allen & Mianne … yes, I requested prints/copies of the paper just for you! Well, mom gets the first one π
The 17th was a good hair day and I was decked out in ‘proper business attire’. The photographer, John Disney, arrived with lights and cameras and set up his little studio in my office. He had just come from photographing my colleagues/fellow GAP members, Kevin Fogle and Paezle Harris, in their nice, shiny, big law offices and was ready to capture the ‘other side’ … OY!
Yes, my friends, he photographed me working at my desk, in my home office (located in my basement and lovingly referred to as the dungeon) – the furnace and water heater, flanked by stacks of boxes (and some stuffed animals) behind me, silver-clad duct work and a bare light bulb above my head, and, yes, the partially mudded sheet-rock walls. Mind you, when I made the appointment, I made John promise to use the ‘tall/thin’ lens and I asked him to try to frame the photos mask the ‘decor.’
John even commented that he had expected me to be in my ‘usual’ work clothes … um, no. There are many perks associated with working virtually from home (and valid reasons that I schedule video conferences in advance with my clients). Momma would never forgive me if I were photographed in my comfy clothes, with my hair in a pony tail, and, heaven forbid, no makeup …
So, 20 minutes later, the shoot was over. Time to get back to running StarrParalegals and writing papers for school. The article comes out on 12/5 … please let it be a good picture!
Love this post and the fact that your home office is a-typical. Can’t wait to read the article.
Love this post and the fact that your home office is a-typical. Can’t wait to read the article.
Bet you made your mamma proud π Can’t wait to see the photos!
Bet you made your mamma proud π Can’t wait to see the photos!
I have to admit, Pamela, I felt like a “Starr” myself! A real photographer following me around the Cox offices, taking my picture as if I was a Kardashian! π (ok…I let the cat out of the bag…I am a die-hard K fan!) π
The article comes out Monday and we will have complimentary papers available at our Holiday Party on Tuesday at Nelson Mullins in Atlantic Station!
K. Paezle’ Harris
GAP President
I have to admit, Pamela, I felt like a “Starr” myself! A real photographer following me around the Cox offices, taking my picture as if I was a Kardashian! π (ok…I let the cat out of the bag…I am a die-hard K fan!) π
The article comes out Monday and we will have complimentary papers available at our Holiday Party on Tuesday at Nelson Mullins in Atlantic Station!
K. Paezle’ Harris
GAP President