I did it!! I completed and submitted my masters’ thesis! It’s all a matter of time now …

There are a bunch of folks that I need to thank for their encouragement and support.

Mommie – were it not for you, I would never have had the courage to reach for the stars. (yeah, I remember, you named me after your ‘star’ pupil)

Suzi, Paula, Harry, Angela, Jane, Sonia, Mianne, Allen, Sami, and on, and on, and on – thank you for keeping me sane and on track!

My partners Michael Misenheimer and Stacy Korman – we’ll be kicking off Sessions with a Starr soon. I promise!!

Donna Seyle, Stephanie Kimbro, Jennifer Rose, Ari Kaplan, and Ben Schorr – for sending me their books and loaning me their brains.

Andrea Cannavina – for her awesome proofreading skills and so much more!

And, my StarrParalegals’ clients, for being so very patient with me while I made this happen – thank you!!

Oh, right, my thesis … “Paralegal Paradigm Shift: The Changing Face of Legal Practice as Paralegals ‘Go Virtual’ – Breaking Free from Brick & Mortar to Float in ‘the Cloud’”