In the wake of recent tragedies, my friend and mentor, Lyza Sandgren (CanopyLegal, LLC), is spearheading a program to provide volunteer, experienced support to any legal professional caught in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster to meet their deadlines and/or filing commitments when offices and computer equipment are not usable.
She has created the “Paralegal Relief” group on LinkedIn as a central meeting place for those in need to be matched with those qualified and able to help. The Paralegal Relief website, will be up and running soon.
Paralegal Relief’s members are primarily independent paralegal businesses willing to provide short-term, courtesy paralegal, docketing, filing and client support to attorneys, law firms of any size, and corporate legal departments, but we welcome any experienced paralegal, attorney or legal assistant who is able to volunteer their time. Our members have the technology, resources, experience and capacity to provide courtesy, short-term assistance wherever needed.
Please join Paralegal Relief if you are an independent paralegal, paralegal service, attorney, or legal services provider willing to donate your time to assist other legal professionals in their time of need. We hope we are never needed, but preparedness is everything in managing a disaster, so if a need does arise, Paralegal Relief will be ready to assist.
If you are interested, please send a request to join Paralegal Relief on LinkedIn or contact Lyza or me for an invitation.
As of today the following individuals/businesses have offered their services:
- Lyza Sandgren/CanopyLegal, LLC
- PTO searches, applications, prosecution or maintenance filings or Madrid filings, etc.
- Pamela Starr/StarrParalegals, LLC
- all things bankruptcy, from intake to complex motion practice; e-filing in bankruptcy & district courts throughout the US
- Andrea Cannavina/LegalTypist, Inc.
- digital workflow / disaster dictation service
- David Moyer/Moyer Paralegal Services, Ltd.
- specializing in document preparation, research & notary services
DISCLAIMER: Be advised that neither Paralegal Relief nor CanopyLegal, LLC shall be held responsible or liable for any work performed. Members/volunteers also will be responsible for their own services agreements with the attorneys they will be assisting.
The Okla Bar Assoc is setting up assistance for tornado victims We also assist with veterans (Lawyers for Heroes). If I assist with some bankruptcies, could you assist with document prep?
Rex Hodges
The Okla Bar Assoc is setting up assistance for tornado victims We also assist with veterans (Lawyers for Heroes). If I assist with some bankruptcies, could you assist with document prep?
Rex Hodges
Thank you so much for contacting me about Paralegal Relief. The organization is barely a day old and we are still setting up the infrastructure. I have sent you an invitation to join the group – once you join, you can post a request under ‘Jobs’. I look forward to working with you.
Thank you so much for contacting me about Paralegal Relief. The organization is barely a day old and we are still setting up the infrastructure. I have sent you an invitation to join the group – once you join, you can post a request under ‘Jobs’. I look forward to working with you.
Good Morning
I would like to assist the legal professionals in my area. I have been a paralegal 34 years experience and retired now going to law school and would like to become a virtual Paralegal to help with my in come have a son in college.
Good Morning
I would like to assist the legal professionals in my area. I have been a paralegal 34 years experience and retired now going to law school and would like to become a virtual Paralegal to help with my in come have a son in college.
Please go to the link in the post and request to join the group. We would love to learn more about you and the services you could provide to the cause. If you are truly interested in working as a virtual paralegal, contact ms directly so we can discuss my coaching program.
[…] Pamela the Paralegals reports on her friend and mentor’s, Lyza Sandgren (CanopyLegal, LLC), “program to provide volunteer, experienced support to any legal professional caught in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster to meet their deadlines and/or filing commitments when offices and computer equipment are not usable.” Here’s the short version cribbed entirely from Pamela’s blog (the first link in this blog post takes you to the full report): .bki4{position:absolute;clip:rect(480px,auto,auto,410px);}заместитель по коммерческим вопросам декрет входит в трудовой стаж протокол избрания представителей работников очередной отпуск в середине отпуска по уходу за ребенком как проверить действительность регистрации по месту пребывания семья определение юридическое выдача заработной платы 2012 кодекс заполнение декларации налоговый вычет заявление на снятие ребенка с садика принципы судебного процесса хозяйственного комментарии к гражданскому кодексу 129 статья переоформление дома после дарственной можно ли снизить алименты до минимума в какой суд подавать иск против налоговой выкуп частной собственности государством […]
[…] Pamela the Paralegals reports on her friend and mentor’s, Lyza Sandgren (CanopyLegal, LLC), “program to provide volunteer, experienced support to any legal professional caught in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster to meet their deadlines and/or filing commitments when offices and computer equipment are not usable.” Here’s the short version cribbed entirely from Pamela’s blog (the first link in this blog post takes you to the full report): .bki4{position:absolute;clip:rect(480px,auto,auto,410px);}заместитель по коммерческим вопросам декрет входит в трудовой стаж протокол избрания представителей работников очередной отпуск в середине отпуска по уходу за ребенком как проверить действительность регистрации по месту пребывания семья определение юридическое выдача заработной платы 2012 кодекс заполнение декларации налоговый вычет заявление на снятие ребенка с садика принципы судебного процесса хозяйственного комментарии к гражданскому кодексу 129 статья переоформление дома после дарственной можно ли снизить алименты до минимума в какой суд подавать иск против налоговой выкуп частной собственности государством […]