It’s the Shabbas before Channukah

December 12, 2014|

... it's also my father's yarzheit (anniversary of death). For many, the holiday season is bittersweet. My father (Z"L) will forever be linked to this time of year. I last saw him alive on Thanksgiving [...]

It’s Still Stealing – Another Copyright Violation

December 4, 2014|

I am gobsmacked. I am NOT flattered. In fact, I'm angry. A non-paralegal is using my mission statement AND calling herself a CBA to market her virtual bankruptcy assistant business. To quote @MianneBesser: "That's pretty [...]

It’s Not Flattery, It’s Plagiarism!

December 2, 2014|

Imitation my be flattering to some, but when it comes to written content, it is straightforward plagiarism. Every so often, I run plagiarism checks against the content at StarrParalegals, LLC. I am amazed by the [...]

New Month, New Bankruptcy Forms

December 1, 2014|

It's December 1st, it must be the roll out date for the new bankruptcy forms. Yes folks, it's time to update your form files. TODAY is the day. Effective December 1, 2014, the following forms [...]

What Does Balance Due Really Mean?

November 10, 2014|

In my experience, an invoice, bill, or statement will state, unequivocally, the total amount due. One merely looks for the words "Balance Due" or "Total Due". Once that amount is paid, the balance due should [...]

What NOT To Do … Email Edition

November 7, 2014|

We've all been there - sent an email, but forgot the attachment allowed 'autocomplete' to choose the wrong recipient used 'Reply All' for no good reason forgot to use spellcheck However, this is a prime [...]

Just When You Thought Campaigning Was Over…

November 5, 2014|

Friends, On this day after Election Day, I come to you to ask for your votes. No, not for an elected position! Perish the thought!! My company, StarrParalegals, LLC, is a contestant in the 2014 [...]

VoIP, Just Say NO!

October 6, 2014|

Nope! Not gonna do it! Wouldn't be prudent - no VoIP for me!! I swear the folks at AT&T go apoplectic every time! They are incredulous at the thought that I insist on 'old' tech. [...]

NFPA 2014 Annual Convention

October 2, 2014|

Will you be there??? I will 🙂  C'mon, it's TEXAS and OU Weekend and THE State Fair and my birthday!!! and ... I'm presenting a CLE Drop me a note, I'd love to meet you [...]

From Me … to those I may have wronged

October 2, 2014|

As Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement - looms near, I beg your forgiveness and understanding ... May we each be sealed in the Book of Life for another year - a year of [...]