How (not) to add friends on Facebook

September 5, 2011|

     I recently stopped accepting blind friend requests and started asking for more information about the sender before accepting such requests. I understand that FB makes suggestions and that sometimes it makes sense to follow [...]

Busier Than a One Legged Cat in a Sandbox …

July 29, 2011|

Well, yes, I suppose I have been as busy as a one legged cat in a sandbox; but this is not about me … It’s all about an order issued on July 19, 2011 by [...]

Mistakes Happen!!!! Don’t beat yourself up

July 27, 2011|

“Mistakes happen.” We hear this all the time and yet when we make a mistake we feel terrible and sometimes beat ourselves up over it. I am here to tell you that mistakes are expected. [...]

Consumer Bankruptcies Rise to Pre-BAPCPA Level

July 19, 2011|

According to a recent Congressional Research Service report, entitled: "Consumer Bankruptcy and Household Debt", following the October 2005 implementation of BAPCPA, there was a significant decline in personal bankruptcy filings, as many “rushed to the [...]

Are we facing a federal court shutdown?

April 8, 2011|

What Happens to Courts if the Federal Government Closes? Attorneys practicing in the federal courts have been receiving notices all week regarding the possibility of  governmental shutdown and it’s impact on the federal courts. According [...]

Scheduled PACER Maintenance

January 6, 2011|

There will be nationwide maintenance on the PACER system Saturday, January 8, 2011. The disruptions will begin at 5 am PST and continue until approximately 2 pm PST. CM/ECF WILL be available for document filings, [...]

Are You Using the Most Current Bankruptcy Forms?

January 4, 2011|

The following Official Bankruptcy Forms have been amended as of December 1, 2010: B9A - Notice of Chapter 7 (No Asset) Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines B9C - Notice of Chapter 7 (Asset) Case, [...]

Working the Web Wednesday

January 3, 2011|

Demystifying Electronic Filing - A CM/ECF Primer Presented by and Pamela J. Starr, CBA, Paralegal Extraordinaire and CEO of STARRParalegals, LLC. Wednesday, January 5, 2011, at 12 noon ET and learn the basics and [...]