Happy Purim

March 10, 2020|

V’nahafokh hu! … ‘may everything in this cruel and broken world be inverted, leaving only compassion and random acts of selfless loving-kindness.’#HappyPurim

Hear us roar!

March 8, 2020|

We are women. Hear us roar! #InternationalWomensDay


January 22, 2020|

For #RockTheDots / #PolkaDotDay and all my ethical paralegal friends:


November 26, 2019|

I am thankful for so many things ... including the interwebs & social media because they make home and loved ones seem less far away and they have brought so many people into my life [...]

You Can NEVER Have Too Many Books

November 1, 2019|

It's National Authors' Day. Celebrate your favorite authors. Read a book. Need ideas? The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster by Scott WilbanksWhat's Left Between Us by Gina HeronI am Jessica by Jamie Collins